Dr. Maminul Haque Sarker

Senior Advisor, River, Delta and Coastal Morphology
Contact No.: 01817006781
Email: msarker@cegisbd.com

Career Summary

Dr. Sarker has more than 37 years of experience in River, Coastal and Delta Morphology and research. He has participated as a team member and as a project manager in a number of various research, study and consultancy work related with morphology at home and abroad. He has been serving CEGIS as a Deputy Executive Director (Development) since 2009. Before that, he was the Director and Head of River Delta and Coastal Morphology Division. His administrative responsibilities cover managing, monitoring and guiding the professionals of Research & Development, Remote Sensing, GIS, Database and IT divisions. His professional responsibilities cover working in fluvial morphology and relevant fields, especially in the field of river, delta and coastal morphology, predictions of river planform, monitoring the morphological development, environment impact analysis (EIA), tidal river management (TRM), subsidence, coastal morphology, planning and execution in the main rivers of Bangladesh; also in other civil and hydraulic engineering works.

In 2009, he obtained a PhD-degree at University of Nottingham, UK, based on a thesis on Morphological Response of the Brahmaputra-Padma-Lower Meghna River System to the Assam Earthquake of 1950. He did his M.Sc. in Hydraulic Engineering at IHE, the Netherlands, in 1996, and B.Sc in Civil Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET), in 1980. He has a list of publications in international journals and conference proceedings, along with book chapters. He is also author book title “Inland Navigation and Intregated Water Resources Management published by Acamadic Foundation, New Delhi, India”.  He has participated in several special training courses on river morphology, EIA, project management, proposal preparation, GIS and Remote Sensing.

Dr. Sarker led a number of research to assess the dynamics of the Bengal deltas, evolution of the rivers in the subsiding Sylhet haor basin, morphological evaluation and developing prediction tools for predicting the morphological changes of the Ganges, Jamuna/Brahmaputra, and Padma rivers, along with the Koshi River in India. He has been actively engaged in many studies as Team Leader and his major responsibilities include morphological assessments and process of the river system and assess the responses of the rivers to human interventions, and climate change to assist in determining the design parameters for potential river training works and bank protection.

He is experienced to led many international projects such as to identify vulnerable reaches of the Kosi River, Bihar, India, morphological processes of the Brahmaputra River in Assam, India and worked as International Panel of Expert nominated by the World Bank, where major task includes assessing the impact of the Gorai flow on the salinity and morphology.

Dr. Sarker has long experience of working with ministries, departments, national and international development partners. He was a Member of the National River Conservation Commission (NRCC), People's Republic of Bangladesh.


PhD, University of Nottingham, UK. MSc in Hydraulic Engineering, IHE, The Netherlands, 1996. Diploma in Hydraulic Engineering, IHE, The Netherlands, 1990. BSc in Civil Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET), Dhaka, 1980

Area of Interest/Expertise

River morphology assessment and predictions, River Engineering.



Smith, G.H.S.; Nicholas, A.P.; Best, J.L.; Bull, J.M.; Dixon, S.J.; Goodbred, S.; Sarker, M.H.; and Vardy, M., 2018. The sedimentology of river confluences. Sedimentology. DOI: 10.1111/sed.12504.


Dixon, S.J.; Smith, G.H.S.; Best, J.L.; Nicholas, A.P.; Bull, J.M.; Vardy, M.; Sarker, M.H.; and Goodbred S., 2017. The planform mobility of river channel confluences: Insights from analysis of remotely sensed imagery. Earth-Science Reviews 176. DOI: 10.1016/j.earscirev.2017.09.009.


Dewan, A.; Corner, R.J.; Saleem, A.; Rahman, M.M.; Haider, R.; Rahman, M.M.; and Sarker M.H., 2016. Assessing channel changes of the Ganges-Padma River system in Bangladesh using Landsat and hydrological data. Geomorphology 276. DOI: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2016.10.017.


Faruque, H.; Ahsan, D.; Sarker, M.H.; and Gladun, E., 2016. Effect of Ganges River Morphological Dynamics and Farakka Barrage on Upward Migration and Catch of Indian Shad (Tenualosa Ilisha) in Bangladesh. DOI: 10.21684/2411-7927-2016-2-3-34-58.


Dr. Muhammad Mizanur Rahaman*, Tahmid Saif Ahmed, 2016. Affordable Water Pricing for Slums Dwellers in Dhaka Metropolitan Area: The Case of Three Slums. Journal of Water Resource Engineering and Management ISSN: 2349-4336(online) Volume 3, Issue 1 www.stmjournals.com.


Akter, J.; Sarker, M.H.; and Popescu, I., 2015. Evolution of the Bengal Delta and Its Prevailing Processes. Journal of Coastal Research. DOI: 10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-14-00232.1.


Hasan, M.; Rahman, M.M.; Ahsan, M.; and Sarker, M.H., 2015. Meandering Bend Development Process in Gorai Modhumati River. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.3489.7763.


Rahman, M.; Haque, A.; Salehin, M.; Darby, S.; Nicholls, R.J.; Wolf, J.; Ahmed, M.; Hossain, M.; Sarker, M.H.; Shampa, S.; Jisan, M.A.; Ahmed, M.H.; Kadir, M.N.; Rezaie, A.M.; Sumaiya, S.; Alam, S.; Ahmed, I.; Jahan, M.; Chowdhury, M.A.; and Rubaiya, O., 2014. Sediment re-circulation in the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna delta and its implications for ecosystem services. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.4200.9363.


Sarker, M.H.; Thorne, C.R.; Aktar, M.N.; and Ferdous, M.R., 2014. Morpho-dynamics of the Brahmaputra–Jamuna River, Bangladesh. Geomorphology 215:45–59. DOI: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2013.07.025.


Hassan, A.; Wahid, S.; Shrestha, M.L.; Rashid, M.A.; Ahmed, T.; Mazumder, A.; Sarker, M.H.; Hossain, B.M.T.A.; and Mumu. S., 2014. Climate change and water availability in the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna Basin: impact on local crop production and policy directives.


Sarker, M.H; Shampa, S.; Nair, R.M; Akter, J.; and Hossain, S.M., 2014. Inland Navigation and Integrated Water Resources Management. Ecosystem for Life: A Bangladesh and India Initiative. In association with IUCN. Academic Foundation, New Delhi, India. ISBN: 9789332701304.


Haque, A.; Rahman, M.; Alam, S.; Sumaiya, S.; Ahmed, I.; Sarker, M.H.; Nicholls, R.J.; Darby, S.; Chowdhury, M.M.S.; Siddique, M.K.B.; Ahmed, M.H.; Rezaie, A.M.; and Ghosh, T., 2013. Relationship between the Shapes and Hydraulic Regimes of the Estuaries of the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna Delta. International Conference on Climate Change Impact and Adaptation (I3CIA-2013), Gazipur, Bangladesh. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.5060.3607.


Rahman, M.M.; Ahsan, M.; Hore, S.K.; Sarker, M.H.; and Hossain, A.T.M.K., 2013. Assessing the Causes of Deterioration of the Mongla-Ghashiakhali Navigation Route for Restoration of Navigability. International Conference on Climate Change Impact and Adaptation (I3CIA-2013), Gazipur, Bangladesh. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.2834.4169.


Hore, S.K.; Sarker, M.H.; Ferdous, M.R.; Ahsan, M.; and Hasan, M., 2013. Study of the off-take Dynamics for Restoring the Gorai River. 4th International Conference on Water & Flood Management (ICWFM-2013).


Akter, J.; Sarker, M.H.; and Haque, P., 2013. Morphological processes and effective river erosion Management: a case study of the Arial Khan River in Bangladesh. International Conference on Water and Flood Management- 2013, Dhaka, Bangladesh.


Shampa, S.; Sarker, M.H.; Akter, J.; and Nair, R.M., 2013. Restoration of inland navigation converging to integrated water resources management goals: a case study of the Kushiyara River. International Conference on Water and Flood Management- 2013, Dhaka, Bangladesh.


Sarker, M.H.; Akter, J.; and Rahman, M., 2013. Century-scale dynamics of the Bengal delta and future development. International Conference on Water and Flood Management-2013, Dhaka, Bangladesh.


Sarker, M.H.; Thorne, C.R.; Aktar, N.; and Ferdous, M.R., 2013. Morpho-dynamics of the Brahmaputra–Jamuna River, Bangladesh. Geomorphology.


Mount, N.J.; Tate; N.J.; Sarker, M.H.; and Thorne, C.R., 2013. Evolutionary, multi-scale analysis of river bank line retreat using continuous wavelet transforms: Jamuna River, Bangladesh. Geomorphology 183:82–95, DOI: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2012.07.017.


Sarker, M.H.; Choudhury, G.A.; Akter, J.; and Hore, S.K., 2012. Bengal Delta is not sinking at a very high rate as indicated by recent research: a pragmatic assessment based on archaeological monuments. decade to century scale geomorphological development of Bangladesh Delta. http://archive.thedailystar.net/newDesign/news-details.php?nid=262153.


McLean, D.G.; Vasquez, J.A.; Oberhagemann, K.; and Sarker, M.H., 2012. Padma River morphodynamics near Padma Bridge.


Sarker, M.H.; Akter, J.; and Ferdous, M.R., 2011. River bank protection measures in the Brahmaputra-Jamuna River: Bangladesh Experience. International Seminar on River, Society and Sustainable Development, Dibrugarh University, India


Sarker, M.H.; and Akter, J., 2011. Evolution of rivers in subsiding Sylhet basin: northeast of Bangladesh. Advances in River Science, Swansea, United Kingdom.


Sarker, M.H.; Akter, J.; Ferdous, M.R; and Noor, F, 2011. Sediment dispersal processes and their management in coping with climate change in the Meghna Estuary, Bengal Delta, Bangladesh. Sediment Problems and Sediment Management in Asian River Basins, IAHS Publication. 349. ISBN: 978-1-907161-24-7.


Sarker, M.H., 2009. Morphological response of the Brahmaputra-Padma-Lower Meghna river system to the Assam earthquake of 1950. PhD research under the University of Nottingham, UK.


Best, J.L.; Ashworth, P.J.; Sarker, M.H.; and Roden, J.E., 2008. The Brahmaputra‐Jamuna River, Bangladesh. Large Rivers: Geomorphology and Management. DOI: 10.1002/9780470723722.ch19.


Takagi, T.; Oguchi, T.; Matsumoto, J.; Grossman, M.J.; Sarker, M.J.; and Matin, M., 2007. Channel braiding and stability of the Brahmaputra River, Bangladesh, since 1967: GIS and remote sensing analyses. Geomorphology 85(3):294-305. DOI: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2006.03.028


Sarker, M.H., 2006. Impact of Upstream Human Interventions on the Morphology of the Ganges-Gorai System. The Ganges Water Diversion: Environmental Effects and Implications. DOI: 10.1007/1-4020-2480-0_4.


Takagi, T.; Oguchi, T.; Matsumoto, J.; Sarker, M.H.; and Matin, M., 2006. Dynamics of the Brahmaputra River, Bangladesh, from GIS and remote sensing analyses.


Sarker, M.H.; and Thorne, C.R., 2006. Morphological Response of the Brahmaputra–Padma–Lower Meghna River System to the Assam Earthquake of 1950. DOI: 10.1002/9781444304374.ch14.


Mirza, M.; Sarker, M.H, 2005. Effects on Water Salinity in Bangladesh. DOI: 10.1007/1-4020-2480-0_5.


Sarker, M.H.; Huque, I.; Alam, M.; and Koudstaal, R., 2003. Rivers, chars and char dwellers of Bangladesh. International Journal of River Basin Management 1(1):61-80. DOI: 10.1080/15715124.2003.9635193.


Goodbred, S.; Kuehl, S.; Steckler, M.S.; and Sarker, M.H., 2003. Controls on facies distribution and stratigraphic preservation in the Ganges–Brahmaputra delta sequence. Sedimentary Geology 155(3-4):301-316. DOI: 10.1016/S0037-0738(02)00184-7.


Sarker, M.H.; Kamal, M.M.; and Hassan, K., 1999. The morphological changes of a Distributary of the ganges in response to the Declining flow using remote sensing. 20th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing. http://www.a-a-r-s.org/acrs/proceeding/ACRS1999/Papers/WR99-8.htm, Volume: Vol. 1.