Md. Ebrahim Akanda

Principal Consultant
Contact No.: 01675507173

Career Summary

Mr. Ebrahim Akanda is responsible for helping Crop typology for Bangladesh,  EIA, IEA, Baseline, Methodology, Impact of different programs to improve the livelihoods and food security of extremely poor households living in different Districts. He is also an expert Natural Resource Planner with strong capability in data analysis, report writing, and training. He has computer skills in terms of MS Word, Excel Powerpoint and MS office.


M.Sc. in Agronomy, 1986, Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU), Mymensingh; B.Sc.(Ag) (Hons), 1974, Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU), Mymensingh.

Area of Interest/Expertise

Land and agriculture resources, water, environment, coastal saline, crop production, characterization of coastal saline soil and water, farm integrated water management and development.



Productivity and profitability of Cabbage intercropped with vegetables. BSHS1988, Vol 16(2) p 40-44.  


Row spacing and number of rows of Chickpea grown in association with Maize (Zea maya) Bangladesh Journal of Agriculture 1987, Vol 12(4) p 223-230.  


Effect of intercropping Maize with Groundnut at varying levels of plant population and nitrogen levels. Bangladesh Journal of Agriculture 1985, Vol 10(3) p 1-3.


A preliminary study for identification of potato varieties suitable for double harvest. Proceedings  PRC, 1984 p 18-23.


Pulse and intercropping. National work-shop in pulse,1982, p 179-184.


Inter cropping Vegetable with Potato. Proceedings, PRC, 1982, p58-59.


Effect of intercropping Soybean, Cowpea, Mungbe¬en, Blackgram and Groundnut with Maize. 1982. BJ-AR Vol. (VII)(2)  p 66-69.