S M Shafi-Ul-Alam

Associate Specialist
Contact No.: +8801830889551
Email: salam@cegisbd.com

Career Summary

Mr. Alam has more than 15 years of experience in preparing spatial database using GIS as planning tool in both Vector GIS and Raster GIS as well as making data usable, structuring databases, analyzing databases, aerial photo interpretation, graphics design, cartographic design for display presentation and hard copy map production. He is also experienced in designing and developing methodologies for capturing spatial and tabular data to create GIS databases and produce thematic information for various fields. His expertise includes system analysis and development, developing GIS, designing survey form and database structure, organizing data entry and data cleaning job, GIS, RS, and GPS technology; data collection with Differential GPS; spatial analysis of different aspects; generating contours from water level data; transferring data between different systems; geo-referencing and geographic databases.


M.Sc in Environmental Science; B.Sc. in Electronics Science, Diploma in Information Technology.

Area of Interest/Expertise

GIS and Database Application development in Agriculture, Research & Disaster management, Morphology, Environment, Water Resources, Power, Health & Urban Planning Sectors



Alam, S.M. Shafi, Md, H.K, Elahi, K.M, Study of Multi-hazard Mapping Using GIS of Dakshin Khali Union, Sarankhola Upazila, Bagerhat, 2017, Bangladesh.