Mr. Mobasher has been developing himself in natural resources management for more than 13 years. Both theoretically and practically, he is well equipped for understanding socio-cultural perspectives. Having completed his higher education in both Anthropology and Sociology, he is confident that he can assess the socio-cultural perspective of development and apply the same to his own country. Its sub-disciplines namely Applied Anthropology and Development Anthropology which are directly pertinent to this program made the things easier for him to think about the different dimension of people, life and experiences. The methodologies that he has developed through academic learning give him a better opportunity to understand people’s problem in relation to their cultural orientation and practices.
Through his innovation, and dedicated research with scientific insightfulness; he has contributed significantly to the successful completion of numerous research projects and studies undertaken by this organization over the past several years. These research projects and studies include human-environment relations, Assessing socio-cultural aspects of natural resources management, Socio-economic baseline analysis, livelihood analysis, poverty analysis, socio-economic impact assessment, preparation of mitigation plan, stakeholder analysis, social mobilization, migration/internal displacement analysis, Baseline and end line status evaluation Technical/Development project proposal preparation, keep communication with national and international clients. In addition to that, is responsible for project management activities both in and out of office space. He is also a good manager leading a number of field and study teams. He has the capacity to work independently and with a team.
As an Anthropologist, he is very much familiar with hands-on use of different research methods, tools and techniques such as Questionnaire Survey, FGD, KII, PCM, RRA, PRA, case study and so on. In applying research methods, he has shown his capacity and innovativeness in handling field mobilisation considering ground situation and adapting to field variation to meet the objectives of assigned tasks.