Environmental Studies for Maitree Super Thermal Power Project, Rampal, Bagerhat
CEGIS was entrusted by the Bangladesh Power Development Board (BPDB) and Bangladesh-India Friendship Power Company (Pvt.) Limited (BIFPCL) to conduct environmental assessment for 2x660 MW Maitree Super Thermal Power Plant Project at Rampal, Bagerhat, Bangladesh. Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) was the first Study followed by Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the Power Plant. Afterwards, EIA of Coal Sourcing, Transportation and Handling of this project were also conducted by CEGIS. Environmental Monitoring during pre-construction phase has been completed. On the other hand, environmental monitoring of the same project during construction phase is ongoing. CEGIS was involved from the initial planning in different stages of this project to suggest implementation of mitigation measures for environmental impacts whilst at the same time increasing the power generation capacity of the country using imported coal as fuel.