Visit of Honorable Chairperson of the Board of Trustees to the CEGIS Premises


Mr. Kabir Bin Anwar honorable Chairperson, CEGIS-BoT and Secretary, Ministry of Water Resources, Government of Bangladesh made an official visit to the CEGIS premises on September 09, 2019. The chairperson was warmly greeted by the Executive Director (In-charge), Mr. Malik Fida A Khan along with the top management. Professionals from all divisions of CEGIS were present in the occasion. Inaugural speeches were made by both the Executive Director (In-charge) and the Deputy Executive Director (Development), Dr. Maminul Haque Sarker.

The honorable chairperson, CEGIS-BoT delivered an inspiring speech addressing all professionals of CEGIS during the occasion. Mr. Anwar acknowledged the efforts which CEGIS is putting forth in contributing to the overall sustainable management of natural resources. As an environmentalist by heart, he stressed on the necessity of integration between the natural aspects governing the biodiversity and ecosystem of the country in devising eco-friendly solutions. The honorable chairperson also highlighted Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) to be an integral part of present and all future development initiatives. Upon the professionals of CEGIS, he thus shouldered the responsibility of ensuring simultaneous maximization of beneficial environmental effects whilst amelioration of the adverse effects to the greatest extent possible. He reminded that this can only be made possible through maintaining transparency and sound work ethics in performing all respective duties akin to conducting environmental assessment exercises. Mr. Anwar also exhorted on supporting the management of natural resources for sustainable socio-economic development at home and abroad through cooperation and collaboration with wide group of national and international organizations. Lastly, he envisioned CEGIS to be a center of excellence in the fields of water and natural resources management and to continually stamp an authoritative role in its contribution to the sustainable development of Bangladesh through dedication, sincerity with the right amount of innovative touch.